Home » Site News » 4Story: Emperor Ferger Military Power
cheap 4story Luna can be explored by you now. Eventually lost to the present Quaker Forest King Lu Deluopeisa returned to their sphere of influence of the Emperor Ferger areas and where the establishment of a national, self-appointed ruler, as the basis for a strong monarchy, and in order with the Lourdes of the Quebec Clarkson clashed and fully prepared level.
Under Emperor Ferger all players can use the inherent Emperor Ferger exclusive group fighting ability in 4Story, which is representative of the characteristics of God Ferger military technology, from the composition of intensive team-based fighting with the enemy ability to benefit constituted. Military origin of the monarchy, Nabin Machia, was a guard here, a historian, and into the central political.
The city gives the feeling that seat by the thick walls and surrounded by bunkers, resulting in a very strong visual impression of the fortress castle. Since campaign the Breed queen disappears.