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Mana Seal: All spell casters in an enemy formation, prevents targets from using spells or skills.
Speed Cast: All spell casters in your formation, adds AP and small amount of healing every turn.
Mana Burn: Single target, upgrades to row, upgrades to cross. Deals damage to targets MP and deals that same amount of damage to their HP.
Seal Staff: All spell casters exist in an enemy formation, lowers attack power and deals damage per turn. 150 AP cost.
Exorcists are pretty much staple mercenaries for just about every build in the world. It is really hard to write anything more in a breakdown for the Exorcist because he is really necessary. You cannot think of a single build that would remain competitively effective at higher levels with no Exorcist presence. Exorcists are something you have to work around, and having that kind of clout in a mercenary is just especially beneficial.