Home » Site News » Atlantica bomb glitches in cube
Atlantica online Gold can be bought by my website. We will introduce some useful information about bomb glitches in cube given by Vidal ire, hope you like it. The nap Sais 17+ but in your quest log is Sais. You are being wrong if you think you can pass easily.
Now a time bomb has been attached to you, you visit all the appointed rooms to defuse it. If you can not make it to all the rooms and talk to the Naps there within 10 minutes! You will be sent to the starting room and unable to acquire Dice.
If that happens, you can resume at the teleport master in the starting room to go on. The teleport masters of Room 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 will defuse the bomb for you.
It is possible to forget you have the bomb quest, in which case you are screwed. What is stupid is the guy in room 1 can not defuse it, if you die for some other reason; you just have to wait for the bomb to blow up. They are assuming that once you get the bomb, it is the foremost thing on your mind because you want to get it off ASAP.
By the way, if you want to cheap Atlantica Gold, please go to our site and have a look, we have enough stock anytime. There is no way to skip rooms 17-22 completely. You will hit one of those rooms as long as you do not die. If you do not get the bomb off and move on, then it is your own fault. How you did miss the quest since you gotten take a quest anyways to keep going.
The fact that the teleported NPC has a gold flag over his head instead of a gold shield would tip you off.