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Some people for the first time playing Battle Of The Immortals closed the game test, perhaps get to level 20 +, it seems OK, until the scorpion, the main arc of the Dragon Emperor Yes, the story completely closed and stayed until the day the Research Rill play it. It gave the impression that the developers really put into it are very effort, thumbs up for their excellent work. First of all, he really takes time to master the laugh, not a lot of technology with high-tech systems, most of which produced only soul jades so on, and as a pet, even though it has a very good system that can consolidate, merge, to improve boi gold, and there are many problems with it. As for activities, like the events and its newly identified cases, but not really have the impression, as have seen many examples in other games then Even if all the advantages I have said before, it is just a play of the game, even if the world really nothing special, so that we can long-term play. In addition, it is interesting pet system, high-tech and stuff, this is very complicated. Even though not really enjoy the game, but in fact, Taunton played it so can tolerate at least smile. Anyway, now there are two characters are LVL 55 + game, though not of all the games have provided at least the amount of time with a good game to determine whether it is worth, my playing time.