Home » Site News » EQ2: Is LoN Loot Cards Worthy
You may have already heard the news that the latest Legends of Norrath expansion, Travelers, would include a loot card for EQ and EQII that will give an in-game quest for access to a limited zone. Everyone fears that this heralded the beginnings of Pay to Play content were aroused. Alan Brenlo Crosby, EQ2 Platinum Senior Producer and Christie Kiara Renzetti, EQII Community Manager was quick to address the concern.
However, most of the players seemed to be unhappy with it so far. Some assume it would not go well as the loot from the EQII zone is comparable to higher-end x2 raid loot. And some think it is just a copy of the last room of Obelisk of Ahkzul with four nameds and a boss, and it requires a group. And the other regards it as the loot is Legendary junk.