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Frost Resistance Totem - Frost Resistance totem gives a frost resistance buff to all party members who are within 20 yards Anarchy Online credits of the totem. Frost resistance totem is very situational. It is primarily used when you are raiding a mob who casts frost spells.
Otherwise, it will sit and gather dust most of the time. On occasion, if you notice a frost mage in PvP It might be useful. The problem is that frost mages will kite you away from the totem quickly, making the cast a waste of mana.
Magma Totem - Once dropped a magma totem for the next 20 seconds, every two seconds will pulse an AoE damage. This will only hit mobs who are within eight yards of the totem. This totem also draws a large amount of threat. Since the totem only has 5 hit points, it will be quickly destroyed unless there is threat coming from another source.
Magma totem is not very mana efficient unless it is hitting three or more mobs. Magma totem does do a good job at bringing a large group of mobs down in life if you have a warrior, or something with an AoE threat, that will keep the mobs off the totem.