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If you check the map above, you'll see that most Horde offense will be coming from the West and most of the Alliance offense will be coming from the East, so adjust accordingly. It's always good to send out a regiment to either workshop to prevent the offense from taking control of it.Man your turrets. Turrets are the most powerful weapons at your disposal because of their extremely long range and high damage. Defense with fully-manned turrets will make short work of siege vehicles even before they get to Wintergrasp Fortress, or at least soften them up significantly for players on foot to destroy. Conversely, players must protect their turrets. Kill the ranged DPS first and let the turrets handle the vehicles. A turret firing at a vehicle will kill a vehicle before the vehicle kills the turret every time. The difference-maker are the personnel.Again, it's important to head out to mount a counter-offensive. This is the most devastating way to deal with an offense -- destroy their siege workshops. The Eastspark and Westspark Workshops are permanently under offense control, so they should be absolute priority. At the beginning of the game, get Rank and send a fast-striking team of 2-3 Catapults to destroy the workshops. If Eastspark and Westspark Workshops are destroyed, the offense's only recourse is to take control of East or West Workshops. If they are unable to do this, it's wow gold game over.Understand that only siege vehicles may damage the Fortress walls. If offense has no access to siege vehicles, the game is done, and it's just a matter of winding down the clock.