Home » Site News » Knight gold playerscan go to pvp server...
We have heard 60% of the players on that server will have the chance to move their chars to other servers at some point which rocks cause you get a level 70 char and kickass equip for . Will it be able to play the pvp server if you buy DISC prem on cw.It would verify the amount of NP gained over those 2 months to see who was np transferring and who not. Knight gold playerscan go to pvp server and got back out after 10 minutes. in our opinion a BIG fail and a total waste of time. In those 2 months of "pvp-ing" if you can call it that anymore in there, you can gain MORE levels in your server and get MORE cash/items then you would ever gain from that failed invention.So far, The community in general realizes that its crappy at best, if only K2 would realize it's a failed experiment. It made them some cash trough the premiums, but nothing for the legit players in Knight. There have been multiple posts where people complained about the pvp server, it's even commented on in the "ask a GM" thread.