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Outside of which ones going to level you the fastest, you should also consider that you will make grips of money pvping, pve missions will be the same variation of kill space/ground, scan ground, and pvp while the same maps is you playing against characters which can be more exciting.
Also if you level through pvping by the time you are mid level of your current rank you will have gotten enough pvp badges to upgrade everything on your ship.
The best way is which ever way appeals to you. Many players do exploration missions when they first crack rank; they prefer to go into PvP with the best equipment on their ship or person as possible. They find doing exploration missions takes very little time. If you have nothing to do for a week there is no reason you can not whip to BG in a week time. Just go with your instincts. 30 missions later you have bumped to the next rank. Takes a few more as you go up in level, but still pretty fast. Buy sto credits is necessary.