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In the download client and register you are ID; you must insert your password and create a pin. To do so, you must choose one of the worlds. After that, select a channel. When you finally reach this point, you need to create a character. Try to suspicious transactions most of your views and DEX when you create your character in Maple Story mesos.
Try not to let an INT or 6 percent of the highest land results. When the character appears, and a statistics you like, start the game. The first time you appear in Maple Island. Try to talk to each person; you see their heads above the bulb. They assigned the task of making peace is really very easy. As a soldier, you need strength. The first thing you must do is to let your strength, etc. 35. We will explain why.
After that, raise your dexterity to 20. If you are unable to do this before level 11, that is ok. If you got a 5 or 4 in both luck and intelligence, you should be able to do this though. After that, put all AP into strength up until level 10. We suggest you get off the island at level 9.