Home » Site News » Pre-Launch Gold Selling Crackdown
This evening, Flying Lab Software staff issued a series of permanent bans as a result of gold selling activities by players of Pirates of the Burning Sea. Additionally, 24 hour bans were issued on multiple accounts found to have participated in the transfer of this illicit gold.
Please understand that we will investigate all reports of illicit transactions and we will following up with the appropriate disciplinary actions, which could include confiscation of the resources in question, and ultimately banning accounts that sell or buy these illicit resources.
In the future, if you are approached by someone seeking to sell you gold, you are asked to file a support ticket by typing /support in game, or by visiting our support site. Pirates of the Burning Sea Gold you can buy from our websites.
Customers are encouraged to share as much information as possible, including the characters name, the server where this occurred, the time of the incident and any links they may have shared with you during the solicitation.