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Middle Earth represents the Eurasian continent along with the near East and south. Talkie did not choose to incorporate black characters because black people simply are not around in the area in which takes place. It is not racist or anything. Tolkien was just being realistic.
In a hypothetical situation, three men of darker complexion from the Deep South have traveled north to Gondor. There, they make livings as rich merchants, having established a new sea-going trade route. For the same reasons you do not see a black guy in Julius Caesar, and Macbeth, do you not see them in other works like LOTR. What would black men be doing up in Gondor? There is nothing at those places significant enough to attract a large scale migration. So in short, black men would never be in Gondor. We provide Rohan Crone for you.
There are only three of them in Rohan. What are the odds that we just happen to see them, versus some other Gondolier over the course of the LOTR storyline? Tolkien could have had a black character with a significant role, but that would be unrealistic considering the geography and numeric of the other peoples up north.