Home » Site News » There's also a number of AAs that are u...
There's also a number of AAs that are useful Grand Fantasia Money because they replace spells. Perfected Invisibility is a fast-cast (not instant) version of improved invisibility, comes in a group version, too. Perfected Levitation (will have a group version next expansion); 1 second cast self-only levitates. Gate is a 2.5 second cast version of the same spell. Fog of memories is an AA blur. (You'll need Enhanced Forgetfulness, which will improve the chances of blurs landing successfully by 5%/rank. With this AA, Form has a 95% chance of success.)Summon Companion will bring your pet (including a charmed mob) to your side and is instant cast. There is also Focus of Arcanum. Strictly speaking, Focus of Arcanum is not a spell, but it is a colicky that has been featured in Enchanter lore, such as our Anguish Robe and TSS colicky robe, it increases the chances of your spells landing.