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shaiya gold sees surrounding clearly, it protects us from hurt in many times, but also it can make us get some arms what we want. You can use it to change for arms, which is fit for you, and I think it can improve the energy of your fighting. If you feel it is not valuable, you can change it for skills, and you will find it is very wonderful when you are during troubles.
For example, you now need attack bugbears, and you can operate some rules now, do not see it low, you will find it is real and interesting. There are some bugbears suddenly open around team mate who brush out of a sudden strange, if they are in FB room, we need push bugbears near the door. Or the distance of blame, even more near the strange, you need run a few steps, and than you can be seduced by strange. Like biology said, many animals like live things. If you obey this law basically ensures that a group of monsters far and near arrive around the same time, saving a lot of time. If you do not understand what I say, you can obey this rule from one step to another. First bugbear is open suddenly or the one is pulling door, the second is far, the third is near to us, and the forth is attracted by our feet. This order you need obey is important, at the same time, you can make your self become strong.
If we want to enter into high levels, we need do many things, but also there are bugbears open. Last time I have told about the former parts to beat bugbears, but the most part I will tell you. There are four parts of it, and I think you can do well if you obey its order.