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After you do this, immediately hit your mortal strike to get that big burst of damage in and prevent any healing from happening for a while.Even if they get heal off while you're pummeling them after this, it's not going to be enough to combat your damage. After the Mortal strike, you're going to want to hamstring wow gold players so they can't run away.The strategy is flawless so far. They've been immobilized, slowed and their healing has been shot to the ground in the first few moments of the battle. There's not much they can do now. Note that if you're fighting a Rogue, you should be sure to rend after the hamstring to prevent Vanish from letting your prey get away. This is what we call the setup, or control phase of the fight. You've set up various barriers and effects that prevent your opponent from countering your attack.The damage phase is made up of spamming Mortal Strike, Overpower and Execute. It does not use all of your rage any longer is the great thing about Execute post 3.1 for World of Warcraft Warrior. This makes it viable for use during mid combat now. If they run, you just intercept them and start the setup phase again. They're going to run out of tricks, and usually by the second setup phase they'll be down for the count. If not, this burst damage makes sure that they're going to be wasting all of their time trying to prevent their damage and won't have anything left to damage you with!